Budweiser Bedroom Bar

Insight: As much as we’re all praying pubs re-open tomorrow, UK’s Tier 5 and a slow vaccine roll-out is pushing that reality out farther than we’d like. Coupled with at-home drinking allowing folks to induldge more easily (and frequently), reports show consumers grabbing non-alcoholic opitions of their favourite brews to consume more responsibly.

Output: Bringing the pub, your friends, and responsible beverages to you with Budweiser’s Bedroom Bar (a virutal reality experience).

The Meat and Potatoes:
Combining the cult mentality of Animal Crossing with VR capabilities for anyone with a screen, we’re transforming your bedroom into your local watering hole. Reconnect with mates, create your own avatar (or upload one from your go-to third world game) and experience “new normal” pub life with Budweiser Prohibition Brew.